Tue. Mar 4th, 2025
#Nagoya Prefecture style Taiwanese minced cutlet

There are many unusual foods in Japan that are named after famous countries or cities.

For example, ”the Harajuku Dock” is often seen in other regions, but I have never seen it in Harajuku.

This “Taiwanese minced cutlet” is no exception and does not appear to be a local food.

Many Japanese people enjoy it as a joke as long as it is not illegal, and I am no exception.

名古屋で台湾ミンチ@名古屋『味仙』 | 麺くいです! (ameblo.jp)

駆け抜けて名古屋 〜名古屋市南区『元祖台湾まぜそば はなび 赤坪店』さん〜 | メガもりくんが徒歩で行く!歩き麺路旅 (ameblo.jp)

This is a minced meat cutlet containing chili peppers and chives.

It’s Nagoya style, so it has a strong flavor.

Not recommended for people who don’t like spicy food, but perfect as a beer snack.

It doesn’t seem like it’s sold every day, but if you’re lucky, you might be able to buy it at the store linked below.

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